May 15th: TV Shows I’m Digging Right Now

Ryan Wright
3 min readMay 16, 2020


Binge, no binge, the choice is yours. This intro is short. Here’s some TV I’ve been watching lately!


Great show, lots of laughs, solid gags all around. One of the best ensemble of casts come together for a truly hilarious time. Check it out on Netflix!

This little number dropped on Netflix today! Fantastic cartoon series running for three seasons. One of those cartoons loaded to the brim with very adult situations. For every moment of laughter and fun, there’s one with dark storylines and intense situations.

See yesterday’s post. It’s Star Wars, its episodic, it’s fun, and it’s on Disney Plus.

They just did a coronavirus special you can watch right now on Youtube. A hilarious sitcom you can find on Netflix, this is a fun binge filled with plenty of gags.

I’ve had a ton of Star Wars in my life right now….so life is good! The Mandalorian is a fantastic space-western style Star Wars show. Mando’s adventure is a sight to behold, and with new seasons on the way, now’s a great time to catch up!

Celebrities in the wild with Bear Grylls, just trying to survive the wilderness. It’s silly, it’s fun, and it’s worth a watch when you want to turn the brain off and enjoy some entertainment.

Classic cartoon, very silly, another good “turn off the brain” show. It’s the Saturday morning 90’s cartoon that you can binge away on Disney Plus.

That’s all I got for now. What are you watching these days? Let me know!

Thanks for reading!



Ryan Wright

I write things for fun about video games, television, and movies!